Bangkok, 08 April, 2020, at 19.30 Hrs. – The Tourism Authority of Thailand (TAT) would like to inform foreigners in Thailand who have been affected by the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) that they will be granted automatic visa extensions.
The measure, which was announced this evening, 8 April, 2020, in the Royal Thai Government Gazette with immediate effect, covers three groups of foreigners as per the following:
Foreigners with resident visas who normally reside in Thailand but are now overseas and required to return to Thailand within a year of their departure. Since they might not be able to re-enter Thailand in time due to the COVID-19 pandemic, they will be granted an extension of their compulsory return deadline. However, they are required to return to Thailand as soon as the situation improves within the period specified by the Immigration Bureau.
Foreign visitors whose visas expired on 26 March, 2020 or thereafter will be granted automatic visa extensions until 30 April, 2020, and extensions for notification of staying in the Kingdom for those whose expiry date of stay permit falls within the period between 26 March – 30 April, 2020. However, when the situation improves or returns to normal, they are required to proceed with their visas within the period specified by the Immigration Bureau.
Visitors from neighbouring countries who hold a temporary border pass issued on 23 March, 2020, or thereafter will be allowed to stay in Thailand until the borders are re-opened. They will be required to leave Thailand within seven days after the borders reopen.
Here’s the official announcement from the Immigration Bureau (
Announcing the latest visa relief measures on 7 April 2020
- The person whose visas has expired from 26th of March 2020 will be automatically extended to 30th of April 2020. There is no need to apply for a visa extension at Immigration Office for this period and will not be fined THB 500 per day for this case.
- Aliens who are due for 90 days reports between 26th of March 2020 and 30th of April 2020 are temporarily exempted from reporting in this period until further notice.
- Aliens who are holding Border Passes will be allowed to stay in Thailand for now. However, Aliens with Border Passes must depart Thailand within 7 days of the border crossing points opening date.
- Aliens are advised to follow announcements regarding Immigration measures closely for updates. (Currently measures announced until 30 April 2020 or further updates)

TAT is constantly providing updates on the tourism-related COVID-19 situation in Thailand at the TAT Newsroom ( For additional information and assistance relating to Thailand’s tourism, contact the TAT Contact Centre 1672 or Tourist Police 1155.
For constant updates of Thailand’s COVID-19 control measures for travellers, please visit
This press release is published on 08 April, 2020, at 19.30 Hrs. All information is accurate at the current time but can be changed depending on the situation. The TAT Newsroom will not be updating this press release but will issue new updates as soon as further information becomes available.